Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spotted Banana Whale

Yellow Spotted Banana Whale

This rarely seen mammal covets the depths of the Chukchi Sea. Few people have seen this species in its natural habitat. Natives of Kotzebue Sound in Alaska have hunted and captured only a few of these magnificent mammals. Their blubber is prized for making banana bread, cream pies and smoothies.


Mike Litvin said...

I hear through the grapevine that Sarah Palin, of Kotzebue, harpooned one these. She in turn made one hell of a banana nut bread. It was estimated to have weighed 250 lbs. She feed the bread to the Eskimos which in turn named her the president of the banana bread nut club.

Randy Noseworthy said...

Wow, it's even got some grinning teeth... Scary!