Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rorschach Spatter

Here's a real test of "seeing things".
In this combination of burnt BBQ sauce and chicken fat you could see a schnauzer, a monkey face and a pigs face.
I see the schnauzer playing a piano.

Oh, the chicken was dee-lish.


Mike Litvin said...

Wrong "Rorschach Spatter"
Gianni you have just BBQ'd "Casper the Friendly Ghost"

Gianni said...

Look harder...

Mike Litvin said...

Casper the Friendly Ghost on Foil that has been smoke by you.

Anonymous said...

That's an airedale, you fool!


Mike Litvin said...

See..... It's Casper disguised as Airedale.

Gianni said...

They all look alike in BBQ sauce!

But, did you see the little minkey?

Anonymous said...

This just in. Sepi, the eldest member of the Flying Tomato Brothers acrobatic troupe, fell to his death today...
